über mich

I'am part of cloud in the world.
fly away with the wind.
free, not bound.

Sun and Sky are my tight friend.
Sea, my mirror.
Land, I don't know.

in my room

berusaha misterius tapi diabaikan.
jadi diri sendiri saja lebih bikin nyaman.

안 녕 하 세 요!! (ini saya copy dari google, sumpah saya buta hangul)

I'am a fantasic girl(?)..
wait, ralat I'm Rima and this is my blog. who's fantastic? am I?
ignore it, that's just one kind of my random thought.
because I don't know what I wanna say on this page, -______-

haha, my friend said that sometimes I'm really 'not puguh' a.k.a random.
okay, ignore it again. -______-

okay, I'm Rima and this is my blog. (hey, you already said that)
I Love Allah.
I Love Muhammad.
I Love my parents.
I Love my family.
I Love myself. lol
I Love my friends.
I Love Super Junior.
I Love Yesung. (ujung-ujungnya kesini, lol)
I Love kpop music. but I Love western and some Indonesian too (of course that's my country).
I Love collect something that I loved.

pokoknya, I Love My Life.

remind me if there's something I forgot to write.
and, ignore my grammatical error. XD

this place is about my random thoughts, my favorite, my effort(?)
feel free if you want to explore this blog.
because I'm free like a cloud.
being a cloud and you will same kind with me. lol.

before I'm going more random, I think I should stop to talk with dot.



p.s. if you find word "RitsuKim", don't be scary, that isn't a magic word, that's just my ID on twitter, something that I used for my username, :D

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